Creating a new Wallet

To create a new Wallet, you can use the static generate() method of the Wallet class:

use XRPL_PHP\Wallet\Wallet;

$exampleWallet = Wallet::generate();

It provides the necessary properties for an Account on the ledger to exist, e.g. Seed, Keys and Address etc. Note that this Account does not yet exist on the Ledger: It has to be activated by a Payment Transaction. If you are using the testnet, you can use the fundWallet() utility method or use a Faucet to get your Wallet funded and active.

Creating a Wallet from Seed

If you already have an active Account on the XRPL, you can create a corresponding Wallet from its seed by using the static fromSeed()method:

use XRPL_PHP\Wallet\Wallet;

// Use your own credentials here:
$exampleSeed = 'sEd7rnfWxwJmRditu2UpSsrZDRgtctn';
$exampleWallet = Wallet::fromSeed($exampleSeed);

Creating a Faucet Wallet on the Testnet

An Account on the XRPL has to be funded to be activated. On the Mainnet, this is done by sending a Payment Transaction. On the Testnet, you can create a prefunded Wallet in the following way:

use XRPL_PHP\Client\JsonRpcClient;

use function XRPL_PHP\Sugar\fundWallet;

$client = new JsonRpcClient("");

$fundWalletResponse = fundWallet(
    client: $client,
    amount: '12000'

$fundedWallet = $fundWalletResponse['wallet'];

Signing a Transaction

To sign a Transaction, you can use the sign() method of a Wallet:

$tx = [
    "TransactionType" => "Payment",
    "Account" => $aliceWallet->getAddress(),
    "Amount" => xrpToDrops($xrpAmount),
    "Destination" => $bobWallet->getAddress(),
    "DestinationTag" => 1937215245,
    "Sequence" => 42538726,
    "Fee" => 12,
    "LastLedgerSequence" => 42697421  
$signedTx = $wallet->sign($tx);

The result will be an array comprised of two fields:

  1. $signedTx['tx_blob'], representing the signed, serialized Transaction
  2. $signedTx['hash'], the hashed tx_blob